When You Need A Lesson On Peace
Recently, I was asked to contribute a lesson on peace.
The invitation came from a friend who serves as the leader of women's ministries in a church denomination.
This was an honor for me as this is the church fellowship of my growing up years. It was also in this community of faith where I learned much about ministry and how God could use me in His kingdom.
As I prayed about what God might have me write for this project, my thoughts turned to my word for 2020 — Peace. At times, it has been almost laughable that God led me to this word at the beginning of the year, but oh so timely. Who of us hasn't needed the reassurance of peace in this season?
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts... Colossians 3.15 NASB
The assignment given me was to develop a short lesson that could be used as a teaching and jumping off point for discussion among women. My contribution would be added to a growing collection of lessons for the same purpose.
What I learned about peace through my study of Colossians 3.15 has encouraged and sustained me. In fact, it has so impacted me that I know it will stay with me for the remainder of my life.
Wherever this post finds you—whatever questions you may be facing—if you are struggling to find peace, today—I encourage you to dig into Colossians 3.15. And, if you're open to a lesson on peace, I invite you to read on for more...
The lesson I wrote on PEACE is now available as a free download HERE.
Also, be sure to check out these lessons from other women in ministry {scroll down the page}. The lessons are free and available for download.
"The Lord bless you, and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace." Numbers 6.24-26 (NASB)