When You Need Something Secure and Dependable to Lean On
There are days when we need something to lean on.
You may have heard the old hymn that says, “I need Thee, every hour I need Thee.”¹
So, let me rephrase that first statement. We need something or someone to lean on every hour of every day—something secure and dependable.
It takes discipline to begin each day turning to the One on whom we can depend. In the hurry and struggle of life, it is easy to bypass this opportunity. The distractions are many and come from every direction. Yet, Lord, oh how we need Thee.
The nineteenth Psalm offers encouraging words still applicable today—three steps you can take toward leaning on the Lord.
The writer of the psalm, Shepherd-King David, is described as a great and mighty leader. He was, however, a man who dealt with all the facets of life, including his own struggle with sin. {Read your Old Testament to learn about David’s great accomplishments—and his sin.}
Psalm 19 is one of the finest examples of Hebrew poetry. It declares God’s greatness in two important areas. Verses one through six tells of God’s glory in creation, reminding us that a song of praise has already been raised in the heavens. Verses seven through eleven proclaim the wisdom and will of Scripture, and what this provides to believers.
When you need something secure and dependable to lean on…
#1 – Meditate on God’s Creation (Psalm 19.1-6)
“The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.” Psalm 19.1 (NLT)
Friend, when you find yourself in need of renewed security and dependability on the Lord, take time to meditate on His creation. You may want to do so while spending time outdoors, or at least in a place where you can look out upon His creation.
Begin by reading the entire first chapter of Genesis, then read Psalm 19.1-6. Consider how God’s hand formed the earth and all He brought into existence. “This demonstrates His existence, His power, His love, His care.”²
Today, He remains the Sovereign ruler of all creation and, in this, we find our security and dependability—Someone sure and proven to lean on.
#2 – Acknowledge God’s holiness (Psalm 19.7-11)
The holiness of God is revealed throughout Scripture. Psalm 19 declares this by telling of His decrees and commands, and the direct benefits in the lives of Christians.
The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. (vs. 7)
The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. (vs. 7)
The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart. (vs. 8)
The laws of the Lord are true…fair…more desirable than gold…sweeter than honey…a warning to your servant [and] a great reward for those who obey them. (vv. 9-11)
Here, we learn about God’s word, who He is, and how His holiness directly impacts our daily existence. This should encourage us to lean on Him more fully.
#3 – Remember His grace and forgiveness (Psalm 19.12-14)
Finally, there is a third aspect to note in Psalm 19 that should remind you to lean on Him. In verse twelve, the psalmist speaks of his own sins and asks for cleansing. Then, he declares,“I will be free of guilt and innocent of great sin.” Psalm 19.13 (NLT)
In this, we are reminded that a holy God made a way for our complete forgiveness by grace, through faith. He is our Creator, God of all holiness, and gracious Savior—the only One able to shoulder our burdens and cares in this life.
I encourage you to take time, daily, to commit your concerns and needs to Him.
Lean on Him, friend, lean on Him--the secure and dependable One.
“I need Thee, oh, I need Thee; Every hour I need Thee. Oh, bless me now, my Savior; I come to Thee.”
¹I Need Thee Every Hour, by Annie S. Hawks and Robert Lawry. Public Domain.
²Chronological Life Application Study Bible NLT. © 2012 by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.