Hello, friends!
Winter is in full swing for most of us. Here in Oklahoma, we had a lovely mid-January snow fall and no ice, which is always a good thing in this part of the country.
My husband grew up in the mountains of Colorado, and he loves the snow. He doesn’t get it often in Oklahoma, but when it does snow he can hardly wait to get out on the road. Being from Colorado, he knows how to drive on snowy roads, but most Oklahoman’s do not!
And then there’s me. When the weather forecast calls for snow, I immediately gather groceries for all the things—hot chocolate, soup, chili (and ingredients for Frito chili pie). As soon as the weather hits, I am home for the duration. I’m more than happy watching the snow from indoors with a good book and cozy blanket.
Here’s another winter update. Our refrigerator, washing machine, AND dryer have all been limping along for a while. I’ve been saving up to replace them, but didn’t know it would happen all in one day!
As a grand way to end January 2025, I found myself at a small, local appliance store. I shopped, selected, and transacted the necessary purchases. The fact that I did this alone is kind of a big deal, and I’m rather proud of myself.
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Psalm 34.18
Today, as I wrap up this edition, we are watching the heartbreaking reports of the airplane and helicopter crash into the Potomac River. It feels heavy. Though none of us ever want to see such tragedy, it’s in times like this that we are often drawn together as neighbors and friends.
Differing views on politics, religion, or other hot topics may fade into the background, as we lean in to the overwhelming shock and sadness. At least, we can hope this is the case.
Be sensitive in this time. You may have the opportunity to speak peace to those questioning why God would let this happen. If pressed for a response, try this gentle statement. “We live in a broken world. As Christians, we are not promised a life free from suffering or pain, but we are assured that God is with us in everything we encounter in this life.”
And now, on to The Fast 5!
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The Fast 5 🕔
Words to send you into a new year — 📖 Love this 2025 kick-off post by Tanner Olson. Saved it to my Substack reads so I could share it with you here. So many encouraging words wrapped up in this one piece. Especially love the section called “Live the Life: How to 2025!”
INSPIRING BLOG POST —✍🏼 Another Year Without You: The Unique Ache of the Anniversaries — Liz Newman writes mostly on grief, faith, and mental health. In this post, she focuses on the waves of grief that continue to beset those of us left behind. “Each anniversary of a loved one’s passing feels different. It carries with it its own personal ache and longing.” If you have lost a loved one, I believe these words will encourage you.
FAVORITE BOOK — 📖 One In A Million: Journey to Your Promised Land {Bible Study book} by Priscilla Shirer. Almost ten years ago, I first read the this book by Shirer. It so impacted me that I purchased the Bible Study book by the same title. Friend, it changed my life. If you are is a season of loss or pain, or it feels like life has dealt you a blow you’ll never recover from, I recommend Shirer’s study! Both books are equally amazing, but I especially loved the Bible Study.
FAV RECIPE — 🍲 This Creamy Chicken Tortilla Soup is so good. There are many versions of tortilla soup out there, but this is a favorite at our house. We enjoyed it on that recent cold and snowy day. I used leftover rotisserri chicken from a previous meal, which helped to speed up the preparation.
MUSIC I LOVE — ♭ ♯ Friend, I hope this song and the video of thousands of young people praising the Lord will bless you, as it has me. The Lamb’s Book of Life.
Currently Reading 📚
The Bible Study Handbook—by Lindsay Olesberg. This has been in my ‘to read’ stack for a few months. Had I known the excellent writing and instruction inside, I would have started reading sooner. “From foundational insights to best practices and hands-on exercises, you will find everything you need in the book to cultivate your curiosity, hone your attention and mine the applicabilities of whatever passage you find yourself in.”1
Quotable 💭
In the night of weary souls, when courage and color have been drained away and my once willing spirit has given way to fear and my broken mind refuses to respond and my weakened body cannot stay awake in the desperate hour and the fatigue outweighs my intentions and my intentions are less than pure and I am no help to myself—in that place I find Christ, praying for me.
—J. D. Peabody (Perfectly Suited: The Armor of God for the Anxious Mind
Additional Links 🔗
Why I’m Done With Emotional Manipulation Framed as ‘Love’ and ‘Mercy’ — This essay is in response to Bishop Mariann Budde’s very public message during the Inaugural Prayer Service. Whether you find yourself mostly grieved, mostly relieved, or a combination of both, I encourage you to take time to read this response by Kaeley Triller Harms. I appreciate her tone and perspective on this trending topic in our country.
Goodbye, Instagram — When she was active on Instagram, I followed Madi for a bit. So many writers are leaving social media behind, and I am barely hanging on by a thread. In this essay (Madi’s inaugural Substack post), she tells the story of why she made the decision to bid Instagram goodbye.
Not being an influencer on Substack — Even on Substack, things are not all perfect. Drew (Slow Faith) paints a good picture of what’s changed about Substack, and how every social platform seems to eventually follow some of the same (negative) patterns.
Talk soon,
— Karlene
The Bible Study Handbook. By Lindsay Olesberg. Words taken from back cover of book.
Thanks Sis for good and inspiring information. Hope you got the appliances you wanted and a good price. Love Dad